Sunday, March 8, 2009

17 - Volume Two - GRTTWaK January '09

On a cold and snowy night in January 2009, Dan Misener hosted the sixth rendition of "Grownups Read Things They Wrote As Kids", affectionately known to the regulars as GRTTWaK, the king of all acronyms.

Thanks for the plug, Dan, and for the folks who follow this Blog, please be sure to check out Dan's project at

Dan's submission to this journal can be seen at Blog entry #6 (go to the bottom right of this screen and click on it - his entry is towards the end of that post).

Jenna, wife of Dan, one of the sweetest human beings I've ever met. I always enjoyed her boy-obsessed journal entry readings at the early GRTTWAK nights, but it seems that Dan's project has become so successful that he needn't rely on friends and relatives to fill the roster any longer.

As it happens, Stephen and I will be going to Edinburgh this coming September, so perhaps this list will come in handy.

Another example of something carried around by someone for MONTHS ...... Love it!

An expired health card, this is a first! Aaron read at GRTTWAK, so I guess he was not a friend or relative of Dan's. I remember Aaron's reading was quite humourous, and that he was extremely composed on stage. Turns out, he's an actor.

Hmmmm....maybe he was only acting like a grownup reading something he had written as a kid.

A ringing non-endorsement for Kensington Market Organic Ice Cream.

Love the "old school Blackberry" comment. Colin is a sound guy, works usually at Hugh's Room, I believe (we've seen him there, anyway). The meeting he is referring to was in preparation for a night at the Delta Chelsea when Raoul & the Big Time were playing, a band that we have been following for a while. Stephen and I had every intention of going to see them at this Blues Summit, but for some reason never made it to the show. Unfortunate.

Top marks for funniest entry of the night, perhaps the entire journal.
(click on it to blow it up big enough to read more easily)

1 comment:

  1. NEAT!
    I love that searching for other pieces about GRTTWaK brought me to your site.

    I really like Found magazine and postSecret, and this reminds me of them, with a unique twist!


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