Sunday, March 8, 2009

15 - Volume Two - Chester, Nova Scotia

Perhaps one of the oddest entries. In October 2008, Stephen and I spent a weekend in and around Chester, Nova Scotia. His paternal grandparents had a stunning property nearby and Stephen spent many summers there. Something from Stephen's wallet in Volume One is a small sticky note with the lattitude and longitude of this property, known as "Swallow Point".

One night in Chester, we went to the Fo'c'sle Pub. We stood at the bar and had a pint, while a rather inebriated gentleman told us all kinds of tales. Although a questionable decision, I asked him for something from his wallet. This in itself was quite a task. He was very concerned about giving me something that could lead people on the Intenet back to him or give away anything about him. He gave me one card which I glued in, but then he changed his mind and pulled it off the page. He then gave me this card and we got a piece of tape from the bartender to tape it in, in case he wanted to take it back. Luckily, the fact that it is taped in allows us to see what is written on the back of the card.


1 comment:

  1. This guy was a near fall-down drunk. The bartender was a bit concerned that we might have felt his company unwelcomed. His wallet was like the La Brae tar pits or the Burgess shale, with years and years of fossilized pieces of paper. He took ages to pick something; the card he eventually settled upon is of course not his own.


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